



The Covenant began with Yahowah speaking and its beneficiary listening and responding. It is the most highly recommended approach…

“Yahowah (Yahowahsaid to (‘amar ‘el‘Abram (‘Abram), ‘It is of your own freewill to approach by walking away from (halak la ‘atah minyour country (‘erets ‘atah), away from (wa min) your society and culture (mowledeth), and from (wa min) your father’s household (beyth ‘ab ‘atahto the Land (el ha ‘eretswhich bestows the blessings of the relationship that I will show you (‘asher ra’ah ‘atah).” (12:1)

“And so he completely trusted in and relied upon (wa ‘aman baYahowah (Yahowah). Therefore, based upon this thinking, He credited it (wa chashab huw’to him as being correct and thus vindicated (tsadaqah la huw’).” (15:6)

“Then (waYahowah (Yahowahwas seen, appearing to (ra’ah ‘el‘Abram (‘Abram). He said to him (wa ‘amar ‘el huw’), ‘I Am God, Almighty (‘any ‘el shady). Choose of your own volition to walk by yourself (halaktowards My presence (la paneh ‘any). You will thereby (wa) enjoy becoming genuinely (hayahperfect, right, and totally fulfilled (tamym(17:1) such that (wa) I can choose to give (nathanMy Covenant (beryth ‘anyfor the purpose of understanding by making connections between Me and you (bayn ‘any wa ‘atah wa byn ‘atah). In addition (wa), I will increase every aspect of your nature (rabah ‘eth ‘atahto the greatest extent and highest degree possible (ba me’od me’od).” (17:2)

“So as for you (wa ‘atah ‘eth), you should closely examine and carefully consider (shamar ‘atahMy Covenant (beryth ‘any). In addition, so should your offspring you conceive (wa zera’ ‘atahfollowing you (‘achar ‘atahso that they might approach throughout their generations (la dowrym hem).” (Bare’syth / In the Beginning / Genesis 17:9)