Devil’s Advocate


Devil’s Advocate


Yahowah reveals that if someone like Paul establishes himself as an interpreter of revelations, he is a false prophet. If he claims to have performed miracles as proof of his calling, as Paul has done, or if he encourages us to accept other gods such as his Iesou Christo, he is a false prophet. If he fails to affirm our love for Yahowah, whom Paul contradicted and demeaned, or subtracts from or adds to the Towrah, he is a false prophet…

“Observe (shamar) every (‘eth kolword (dabarwhich shows the way to benefits of the relationship (‘asherthat I am (‘anyinstructing (tsawahyou with (‘eth ‘atah) for the purpose of (laengaging with it and acting upon it (‘asah), never adding to it (lo’ yasaph ‘al – through a New Testament) nor subtracting from it (wa lo’ gara’ min – replacing it).

Indeed, if (kya prophet (naby’) stands up trying to establish himself (quwmin your midst (ba qerebas an interpreter of revelations (chalowm chalam), and provides (wa nathana sign (‘owthor (‘omiracle (mowphethfor you (‘el ‘atah), and that religious miracle worker (ha ‘owth ‘o ha mowpheth)…says (la ‘amar), ‘Let us go after (halak ‘acharother (‘achergods (‘elohymwhich (‘asheryou have not known (lo’ yada’), serving and worshiping them (wa ‘abad), do not listen to (lo’ shama’ ‘elthe words (dabarof that prophet (ha huw’ naby’or (‘ointerpreter of revelations (ha huw’ chalowm chalam). This is (kythe test (nasahof Yahowah (Yahowah), your God (‘elohym), for you to know (la yada’whether it affirms your (ha yeshlove (‘ahabfor Yahowah with all (ba kol) your heart (leband (wa ba kolsoul (nepesh).

Therefore (wa), a prophet (ha huw’ naby’or (‘ointerpreter of revelations (ha huw’ chalowm chalam) is deadly (muwth) if (kyhe has spoken (dabarrebellious renunciations (sara’against (‘alYahowah your God…the One who redeemed you (wa ha padahfrom the house (min beythof servitude and worship (‘ebed).

His desire is to seduce and scatter you (la nadachfrom (minthe way (ha derekwhich beneficially leads to the relationship (‘asher) with Yahowah, your God… And so (wayou should choose to remove (ba’arthat which is incorrect (ha ra’from your midst (min qereb).” (Dabarym / Words / Deuteronomy 13:1-6)