
God Damn Religion



The verse in Quran 005.032 that Islamic apologists errantly translate and cite out of context to suggest that the Quran and Islam are not murderous and sadistic, was not only followed by one which proves otherwise, the “positive” message was composed by a Jewish rabbi, not Allah. This realization is factually irrefutable and the consequence is undeniable. Then this…

Quran 005.033 The only rendering and reward for those in conflict with or frustrated by al-Laha and his Messenger, and walk or work upon the earth, wrong or invalid, corrupt or mischievous, is that they must be slaughtered, or they be put to death by crucifixion, or have their hands and feet be cut off on opposite sides, or they can be banned and removed from the earth. That is for them the vile and despicable abasement and evil degradation, in the down-low world of the here and now. And for them when retreating for the hereafter a glorious and grievous punishment and magnified and abounding torturous torment.

There is no mitigating the wannabe god’s edict to annihilate the human race, mutilating and torturing everyone in the process. This makes Islam a more formidable foe than the Black Death and akin nuclear holocaust. It plainly states that there are only four ways for a Muslim to “reward” and “abase” those who are in conflict with any aspect of Islam, including everyone who walks or works on the earth – they must be slaughtered, crucified, mutilated, or banned and removed.

If this were not enough for informed, rational, moral, and civilized people to move to quarantine Islam, isolating the religion, after sadistically torturing and annihilating everyone on earth in a vile and despicable manner, degrading humanity in the process, Allah, as Satan, intends to inflict a glorious and grievous torment on disbelievers. Therefore, the religion of Islam and humanity cannot coexist.

Even if you are not among those with the good sense, courage, and compassion to isolate the overtly religious who are infected with this plague, surely you see the merit in making all expressions of it illegal. With Muslims smelling blood and circling for the destruction of Israel and extermination of Jews, protesting on behalf of this death cult worldwide, they will not stop there should they prevail. The Progressives who are encouraging and assisting them in America and Europe will be next.

There are far more deadly and despicable Muslims now than there were Nazis at the beginning of the last world war, and you know what happened then. So, our survival is dependent upon not letting that occur again. And that can be accomplished by making Islam illegal, shuttering all mosques, sequestering Islamic protests, and eliminating Islamic literature in the free world.