10 Dabar

Yahowah’s 10 Dabar


Errantly referred to as the 10 Commandments, Yahowah’s 10 Dabar, or statements, were recorded in stone on Mount Sinai, and were stored inside the ark of the covenant. They are found in Shemowth/Exodus Chapter 20 starting at Verse 1.

And God conveyed all of these words providing perspective in our presence, saying: I am Yahowah your God who relationally brought you out and delivered you from the realm of the crucible of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall not exist with other gods in proximity to My presence

You shall not prepare or produce for yourself accordingly a carved image or idol, or any visual representation of something, which is in the heavens above, or which is on the earth below, or which is in the waters beneath the land. You shall not bow down and worship them or speak for them and you shall not serve them or minister on their behalf. For indeed, I, Yahowah your God, am a zealous and jealous God who is desirous of, even demanding of, exclusivity in a relationship, counting and reckoning the perversity and sin of twisting and distorting, perverting and manipulating the way, of the fathers upon the children concerning the third and the fourth generations of those who hate and are hostile to Me. But I will prepare, perform, and deliver unmerited and unfailing mercy, unearned favor, and undeserved kindness to thousands who love Me and who closely observe, carefully examine, revere, and keep My Commandments, instructions, and prescriptions

You shall not lift up, support, or advance, forgive or dignify, respect or tolerate, through the name or reputation of Yahowah your God, accordingly, lifeless and worthless deception or devastating and destructive falsehood, for indeed Yahowah will not forgive or leave unpunished those who relationally deceive, beguile, or delude, using clever trickery to mislead in association with His name to promote vain and ineffectual lies which lead to lifelessness and destruction or devastating deceptions which nullify our existence leading to emptiness

Remember that the Sabbath day is set apart for purifying and cleansing and is thus special. Six days you shall work and do everything regarding your service of representing the Messenger and proclaiming the message. But on the solemn promise of the seventh day, the Sabbath of Yahowah your God, you shall not do any part of the work of God’s Representative and Messenger yourself, nor your son, your daughter, your servants and employees, your means of production, nor those visitors who relationally are in your home, property, or community. For indeed, in six days Yahowah made the heavens and the earth, and the seas, and all which is in them. And He became completely settled during the seventh day. Therefore Yahowah blessed and adored, knelt down and lowered Himself to greet those He had created and lifted them up on the Sabbath day, setting it apart, dedicating it to separation, cleansing, and purifying.

Carefully consider, respect and honor accordingly your father and mother for the purpose of lengthening your days within the land which relationally Yahowah your God has given to you.

You shall not murder.

You shall not commit adultery.

You shall not steal.

You shall not testify against your neighbor as a deceptive or misleading witness.

You shall not desire your neighbor’s house. You shall not desire your neighbor’s wife, nor his male or female servants, his cattle, donkey, or anything which is associated with your neighbor. (Exodus 20:1-17)

A little more amplified:

And (wa) God (‘elohym – the Almighty) conveyed (dabar – communicated, spoke, and wrote, providing instruction and direction with) all of (kol) these words (dabar conversations, statements, warnings, and promises) providing perspective (‘eleh – from a relatively close vantage point) in our presence (‘eth – in association with us and in proximity to us), saying (‘amar – explaining, claiming, answering, counseling, warning, and promising): I am (‘anky) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) your God (‘elohym – Mighty One (suffixed in the second person singular, and thus: your God) who relationally (‘asher) brought you out and delivered you (yasa’ – descended to serve, extending myself to guide, lead, and carry you away, departing) from the realm (min ‘erets – out of the land and region) of the crucible of Egypt (mitsraym – the smelting furnace where metals are refined and tested (a metaphor for judgment and oppression)), out of the house (min beiyth – from the home, household, family and place) of slavery (‘ebed – servitude, bondage, and worship, even work). You shall not exist with (lo’ hayah la – you shall not have) other (‘aher – someone else’s, different, extra, or additional) gods (‘elohym) in relation to (‘al – near, before, or in proximity to, in addition to, or on account of) My presence (paneh).

You shall not prepare or produce for yourself (lo’ ‘asah – acquire, fashion, attend to, ordain or institute) accordingly (la) a carved image or idol (pesel – a religious icon or object of worship representing any god), or any (kol) visual representation of something (tamunah – likeness, image, appearance, representation, picture, drawing, painting, association, or form which depicts or resembles anything), which is (‘asher) in (ba) the heavens above (samaym min ma’al – the spiritual realm on high and the sun, moon, planets, and stars above), or (wa) which is (‘asher) on (ba) the earth (‘erets – land and ground) below (tahath), or (wa) which is (‘asher) in (ba) the waters (mayim) beneath the land (tahath ‘erets). You shall not bow down and worship them or speak for them (lo’ hawah – prostrate yourself in obeisance and homage to them, show any allegiance to them, or prophetically interpret their message, promoting them so as to make their purpose known) and you shall not serve them (lo’ ‘abad – not work or labor in their cause serving as their ministers, nor submit to them in servitude). For indeed (ky), I (‘anky), Yahowah (YaHoWaH) your God (‘elohiym), am a zealous and jealous God (qana’ ‘el – a God who is desirous of, even demanding of, exclusivity in a relationship, a God who is emotionally passionate and extremely protective of those He loves), counting and reckoning (paqad – taking stock of and recording, assigning and depositing) the perversity and sin of twisting and distorting (‘awon – the depravity of perverting and manipulating, deviating from the way, the guilt and punishment derived from delusion and depravity, the liability for unfaithfulness and wrongdoing) of the fathers (‘ab) upon (‘al) the children (ben – sons) concerning (‘al) the third and the fourth generations (silesym wa ‘al ribea’) of those who hate and are hostile to Me (sane’ – abhor, detest, and loathe Me, striving maliciously against Me, shunning Me). But I will prepare, perform, and produce (‘asah – actively effect and appoint, offer and celebrate, demonstrate by doing what is required to effect and deliver) unmerited and unfailing mercy, unearned favor, and undeserved kindness (checed – steadfast and loyal love, a totally devoted and affectionate relationship,  faithfulness and goodness) to (la’) thousands (‘elep) who love (‘ahab – who choose to form a close and affectionate, loving and friendly, familial relationship with) Me and who closely observe (shamar – carefully examine, revere, cling to, keep, and are secure in, caring about and relying upon) My Commandments, instructions, and prescriptions (mitswah – authoritative directives).

You shall not tolerate (nasa – lift up, accept, advance, bear, respect, regard, yield to, or pardon) the name (shem – position, individual nature, designation, honor, authority, character, mark, fame, prominence, reputation, or report) of YHWH (Yahowah) your God (elohiym – Supreme and Mighty One, Deity) in a desolate (shaw – separating, abandoning, forsaking, damning, deserting, lifeless, debilitating, wretched, destructive, evil, beguiling, false, ruinous, idolatrous, harmful, devastating, deceptive, or ravaging) way. For Yahowah will not exonerate (naqah – cleanse, acquit, hold blameless, leave unpunished, or forgive) him who accepts (nasa – lifts up, tolerates, advances, respects, yields to, or pardons) His authority (shem – position, nature, designation, honor, name, character, mark, prominence, reputation, and report) being used in damning (shaw – desolating, separating, abandoning, forsaking, lifeless, beguiling, false, or deceptive)way.

Remember (zakar – recall, reflect upon, recognize, mark, memorialize, mention, proclaim, and be earnestly mindful of) that the Sabbath (shabat – the seventh day, the time of observance, of rest to reflect on God’s promise to settle our debts so we could settle with Him on the seventh) day (yowm) is set apart (qadash – is separated unto God for purifying and cleansing and thus special). Six (shesh) days you shall work (‘abad – labor) and do (‘asah prepare and produce, fashion and finish, advance, assign, and accomplish, institute and celebrate) all (kol – the entirety of) your service of representing the Messenger and proclaiming the message (mala’kah – your Godly duties and heavenly labor). But the seventh (shaby’y – solemn promise which fulfills and satisfies those who listen and are observant of the role of the seventh) day (yowm), the Sabbath of (shabat – the seventh day, the time of observance, of rest and reflection, and of ceasing and desisting from ordinary labor to consider the promise to settle all disputes and settle down with) Yahowah (YHWH) your God (‘elohym), you shall not do (lo’ ‘asah not prepare or produce, fashion or finish, advance, assign, or accomplish) any part of (kol) the work of God’s Representative and Messenger (mala’kah – from mal’ak, the ministry and mission of the heavenly envoy, the Divine endeavors and labor of God’s corporeal manifestation) yourself (‘atah), nor your son (ben), your daughter (bat), your servants and employees (‘ebed / ‘amah), your means of production (behemah – animals and beasts of burden), nor those visitors (ger – foreigners) who relationally (‘asher) are in your home, property, or community (sa’ar – area enclosed by a door or gate, a household, assembly, city, or nation). For indeed in (ky – because surely and truly in) six (shesh – symbolic of mankind being bleached white and purified) days (yowm) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) made (‘asah prepared and produced, fashioned and finished, instituted and celebrated) accordingly (‘eth) the heavens (shamaym – the spiritual realm) and the earth (‘erets – the material world), and the seas (yam), and all (kol – everything) which relationally (‘asher) is in them (ba). And (wa) He became completely settled (nuwach – rested after settling all unresolved issues) during (ba) the seventh (shaby’y – solemn promise which fulfills and satisfies those who listen and are observant of the role of the seventh) day (yowm). Therefore (ken – consequently, this is true and correct) Yahowah blessed and adored (barak – knelt down and lowered Himself to greet those He had created and lift them up on) the Sabbath (shabat – the seventh day, the time of observance, of rest and reflection, and of ceasing and desisting from ordinary labor to consider the promise God has made to settle our debts and settle us in His home on this) day (yowm), setting it apart (qodesh – separating it from others, dedicating it to separation, cleansing, and purifying).

Carefully consider, view as worthy, valuable, and significant, respect and honor (kabed – perceive as awesomely impressive and important, intensely relevant, enormously great, massive and glorious) accordingly (‘eth) your Father (‘ab) and (wa – biological, adoptive, or heavenly father) (‘eth) Mother (‘em – biological, adoptive, or spiritual mother) for the purpose of (le’ma’an) lengthening (‘arak – elongating and prolonging, growing and continuing) your days (yowm) within and upon (‘al) the land (‘adamah – ground; from ‘adam, the name of the first man created in God’s image) which relationally (‘asher) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) your God (‘elohym) has given to you (natan la – has produced, provided, and bestowed freely to you as a gift).

You shall not murder (lo’ rasah).

You shall not commit adultery (lo’ na’ap – you shall not be unfaithful and have relations with more than one marriage partner).

You shall not steal (lo’ ganab – Ganab speaks of taking something which does not belong to us by stealth, not force—always without consent and often without knowledge. It smacks of “deceit,” of “outwitting” one’s victim, and “cheating” them out of something valuable—and of “carrying it away.”).

You shall not testify (lo’ ‘anah – question, answer, or respond) against (ba) your neighbor (rea’ – countryman, friend, companion, or associate) as a deceptive or misleading (seqer – false, connivingly clever, and unreliable) witness (‘ed – source of evidence in testimony).

You shall not desire (lo’ hamad – covet, lust for, crave, nor seek pleasure from) your neighbor’s (rea’ – countryman’s, friend’s, companion’s, or associate’s) house (bayit – home and family). You shall not desire (lo’ hamad – covet, lust for, crave, nor seek pleasure from) your neighbor’s (rea’ – countryman’s, friend’s, companion’s, or associate’s) wife (‘isah – woman), nor his male or female servants (‘ebed / ‘amah – employees), his cattle, donkey (read: assets and belongings), or anything (kol) which is associated (‘asher) with (la) your neighbor (rea’ – countryman, friend, companion, or associate). (Exodus 20:1-17)