BTR 2020


Yada Yah Radio

Yada Yah radio airs every Friday at 6:00 CST on Blog Talk Radio. Host Craig Winn is joined by Kirk Miller, and myself. Each week we delve into Yahowah’s Word, and examine them in light of the world we live in.




December 25 2020


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December 18 2020


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December 11 2020


Return to Hosea.

How much Yah endures without giving up on us.

When God speaks of prostitution it is religion, not sex.

If you reject the Towrah there is nothing Yahowah can do for you.


December 04 2020


Man was created to be a social being.

Return to Ba’reshiyth 2.

God saying it was not good for man to be alone implies that Yahowah was not always with him and thus not omnipresent.

The story of Adam shows that God did not know the outcome of everything He set in motion and thus not omniscient.

November 27 2020


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November 20 2020


More than 100,000 Men have come out with sexual abuse allegations in the Boy Scouts.

Return to Ba’reshiyth 2.

What man being made in God’s image tells us about Yah.

Adam was made from the earth, but his Neshamah came from Yah.

November 13 2020


Push to mandate Covid-19 vaccine.

Mankind collectively is bad.

Return to Ba’resyth/Genesis 2.

Yahowah teaches us what we should and should not do, just as we teach our children.

For understanding one requires accurate information and the ability to process it.

November 6 2020


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October 30 2020


The movie The Promise about Islam’s treatment of the Armenians.

The Islamic reaction to Muhammad Cartoons.

Return to Yasha’yah/Isaiah 51

Why Yahowah choose Abram.

The return to the Eden like state when Yah returns.

Midbar, to question the word.

The importance of questioning.

 Yahowah’s Governance system.

October 23 2020


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October 16 2020


The stupidity of a christian radio show doing a series on is Israel mentioned in Prophecy?

Should the book of Revelation be considered Prophecy?

Chawah never tempted Adam.

Love cannot be compelled, taken or stolen, it must be earned and given through Free Will.

Is the Bible the Inerrant Word of God?

The role of the neshamah and understanding.

Yahowah’s system of government.

There is not Hebrew word for “wife”, “husband or “marriage”.

October 09 2020


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October 02 2020


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September 25 2020


Return to Yasha’yah/Isaiah 29

September 18 2020



Observations Volume 5 Chapter 8, Yasha’yah/Isaiah 17

The 3 Zarowa’.

September 11 2020

Examining Yasha’yah / Isaiah 29.

Technical difficulties lead to a short show. 

September 04 2020

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August 28 2020

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August 21 2020

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August 14 2020

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August 07 2020

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August 01 2020

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July 24 2020


The idea that the SAT and ACT are “longstanding forces of institutional racism”.

Should we overturn Muslim travel ban?

People protesting Austin offering tax rebates to Tesla.

Rioting in Portland.

The mistreatment of Coronavirus.

Kanye West’s Presidential platform.

Return to Psalm 22, Coming Home In Our Time, Volume 2 Chapter 14 Page 77.

Replacement Theology.

July 17 2020

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July 10 2020

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July 03 2020

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June 26 2020

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June 19 2020

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June 12 2020

The continuing riots and protests.

The reality of black on black killings.

Return to the 22nd Psalm and Coming Home Volume 2 Chapter 14.

Trust vs Faith.

Man’s corruption of Yahowah’s Word.

June 05 2020

The state of the world.

The militarization of the police.

Return to Chapter 11 of YashaYah, Coming Home Volume 2 Chapter 13.

22nd Psalm Coming Home Volume 2 Chapter 14.

What “My God, My God why have your forsaken me?” means.

May 29 2020

Yahowah’s 7 Miqra.

The murder of a Minneapolis man by the police and the riots and looting that were the response.

Yahowah’s view of those involved in Politics, Religion and Man-Made Scheme.

Return to Chapter 11 of YashaYah, Coming Home Volume 2 Chapter 13.

May 22 2020

Technical difficulties.

Return to Yahsah’Yah.

The importance of using reason and logic and providing sound evidence.

The importance of being tsadaq, right.

May 15 2020

Everything Yahowah has to offer is offered to everyone.

Return to Yasha’Yah Chapter 11.

Understanding is making connections between that which is known.

Yahowah likes the bold.

May 08 2020

Update on rewrites and edits of Craig’s books.

Coronavirus and current events.

YashaYah 11, and the choter.

Knowing and Understanding.

May 01 2020

The extreme spending of the US Government.

The results of the government mishandling of Coronavirus.

The current state of Craig’s new books

Return to Psalm 118

Jump to Stand Out And Be Noticed Chapter of Coming Home In Our Time

April 24 2020

The impact of the Coronavirus.

New Lutheran sponsored translation of the “Bible” omits all references to Israel.

Return to Psalm 118.

April 17 2020

Life in America during Covid 19.

Is the current stratagem working for Covid 19 working?

The origins of Covid 19.

The Federal Reserves’ security bond and property grab in the wake of Covid 19.

 Why we are spending so much time on current events.

Qara 13:45and 46:

“Then (wa) the person infected with the contagious disease (ha matsora’ – the individual with a serious and dreaded chronic condition, especially epidural; a compound of mah – to question the implications of tsarath – an infectious and communicable condition) who is suffering from the pandemic (‘asher ba huw’ ha nega’ – who it is revealed is associated with the spread of the plague), his clothing (beged huw’ – his garments) should be of his volition (hayah – he should choose to exist as (qal imperfect jussive)) torn (param – split open so that they are more open and flexible). His head (wa ro’sh huw’ – his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth) should be (hayah) avoided (para’ – kept away from, averted, shunned, and eschewed). Then (wa) upon (‘al – on) his face (sapham – his nose and lips) he should cover it (‘atah – he should rap it with a piece of cloth around that part of his body). And then announce (wa qara’ – cry out and denote, make known and proclaim publicly), ‘Consider me socially contaminated and infected (tame’ tame’ – unclean, defiled, and polluted through contact with others, tainted by those who are impure). (13:45)

All of the days (kol yowmym) the infectious plague (ha nega’ – the trauma associated with the expansive spread of the pandemic disease which causes physical symptoms and suffering, with this pestilence growing as if spread by a biological fungus) is associated with him (‘asher ba huw’ – is revealed in relationship to him), he shall continually be considered extremely unclean and socially contaminated (tame’ tame’ – he is infected, defiled, and polluted through contact with others, tainted by those who are impure (qal imperfect)). He must be separated and distanced from others (huw’ badad – he has to be isolated and alone, by himself, the only one in the space he occupies). He should consistently stay (yashab – he should live and remain, inhabiting a place (qal imperfect)) away from the residences and public places (min huwts – away from the homes and crowded areas, away from the businesses, markets, and meeting places) associated with the population centers (la ha machaneh – near the cities, towns, villages, and encampments) of his household and settlement (mowshab huw’ – of his place to live and dwell). (Qara’ / Invitations / Leviticus 13:46)

Kirk’s notes:

Qara 13:45,46    Dealing with the Plague

  While reading the Pesach chapter of Yada Yah, I found in the commentary the statement that Yah is always concerned for His children’s welfare on both their corporeal and their spiritual life.  It is wonderful to know how to avoid an infection, but is that the only infection being addressed in Qara/Lev. 13:45,46 ?  A plague is a plague is a plague.  It occurs to me that Dr. Yah may be taking another opportunity to expose Sha’uwl and remind His children how to protect themselves and the families from the ultimate plague, religion.

First, let me say I cannot tell you how many medical people I have had the pleasure of sharing these verses with this week.  You gotta’ love Dr. Yah and the people who brought this to us.

  Let us begin by looking at each word. In analyzing Tsara (6879) we find a verb that means to be struck by a disease or plague. It relates to the Fem. Noun Tsaraath (6883) meaning mark, human disease, fungus, mold or leprosy.  But leprosy can also be a viral infection, spread by nasal secretions or droplets that can affect the upper respiratory tract, and associated with fever.  Wow, that sounds familiar.

  Now let us consider the pictographs.  Tsade  rosh  ayin form the word which means to infect,to taint, and contaminate with something that affects quality, character or conditions unfavorably.  It also refers to infected clothes(‘holy robes?”) and an infected building like a church.  This obviously depicts a person laying a snare to hunt its prey. He sits and waits.  The rosh indicates one observing, but what?  Man’s view or man’s perspective, not Yah’s.  Rosh ayin is the two letter root that describes one who is dysfunctional, abnormal, afflicted and ill.  We could be looking at a man made plague as well as an air born virus.  Tsade,rosh and ayin are numbers that total 360.  That is a circle like the sun and divisible by six.  Man’s number without the 1 which is God which makes perfection. 

  Nega is a masculine noun meaning infection or plague. It is the same word used in Barasyth 12:17 describing the plague Yah visited on the house of Pharoah.  Now we must consider are we talking about a viral disease, a religion and even perhaps a plague from the Divine.  The word is used interchangeably in all these circumstances. 

Nega is also defined as a stroke.  That would be a metaphor of a disease of chastisement, or perhaps a stroke from the poison pen of Paul or the Talmud or the Koran.  Nega is its verb and can mean to be stricken, touched, harmed, defeated in battle, brought to the ground, and stricken by sickness.  It can be the striking of a clock as in time, as to be brought down in that day (yowm, as in Kippurym).

  Nega allows us to translate it as mark.  A mark on the body from disease and/or mark of the beast.   As we approach 2033 we will find the vast preponderance of people accepting the plague of death and its identifying mark. 

Now we come to Beged (8996), his garment.  This word also means treachery.  Odd meaning fo a virus.  The obvious intent is to convey garment. But it has also been used as filthy clothes of a diseased individual.  My mind cannot help but envision “holy robes” and “reinment of the royal houses”.  The verb bagad means to act and deal treacherously and deceitfully or to betray.

Reviewing the two letter root, beyt and gimel mean spoil, despise, divide, booty. Therefore, a house attacked.  899 beged is an act of treachery and is written beyt ,gimel ,dalet.  In the pictorgraphs one sees a foot walking away from the ( pesach) door and towards the house.  That is decidedly negative. 

  The next key word is param, Pey, rosh, mem.  It means to tear or to rip (his clothes). One is normal function the other violent in nature.  Leah pointed out to Terri and I one time how packaging in America takes a great deal of violence to open, That is not the context here but isn’t that interesting about us.

The verse states, to let his head alone, maybe to get sunshine on his head, but cover his mouth (5844) Atah. What spews from his mouth is poisonous to the rest of us.  Atah, turn him aside, grasp firmly and to wrap something tightly.  It is written ayin thet hey. This really conveys see the mark on the man, in its simplest form.  We can refer to the root ayin thet which implies see and contain.  That is equally comfortable in either scenario.  However, it is also the meaning of a stylus or writing stick or implement.  We can have a sick individual or a promoter of deadly disease through writing. 

Saphan (8222) means mustache, mouth and lips.  From saphah (5595)  speech, lip, language, babbling, words and talk.  Used as a verb to sweep or Snatch away (like a Benjamite wolf), destroy, perish and consume. Symbolically written samech, a fence that separates and pierces, pey, words both nourishing or deadly, and hey, upright engage one. The root, samech pey means to gather and a scroll, a written document.

  And then it says, proclaim, Qara, call out to the world with a loud shout.  Qoph,rosh,aleph means to raise one’s voice or speak loudly with urgency, even to call out by name.  The two letter root qoph rosh means gather the individual. 

In the context here, it is to proclaim publicly that this man is Tame (2931) unclean and defiled. Spelled with a thet, mem, aleph which also conveys morally  impure or physically filthy.

This is not an either or scenario.  I am thrilled with the translation by C.W. This may have little or no relevance.  It just is packed with so many multilevel words.  It is hard not to say,” what else is here?”  Any way, that is what I seem to enjoy.  I am always prepared to make mistakes and learn from them.

So, to summarize verse 45.  We are told how to deal with the infected and find that it is the same process whether it is viral or religious.

    Moving to verse 46 we find the phrase “kol yowmym asher” As long as he is associated with. It is followed by “ha nega” with nega being the key word meaning the plague, infection, stroke/s, and mark.  We first find the word used associated with Chawah in the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and ha satan twisting Yahowah’s words.  Shortly there after, the same word is used to describe the striking of pharaoh and Egypt with plagues.  This is not an attack by an infection but physical, natural and supernatural plagues.

    What follows is a double dose of tame (2930) and tame (2931).  The first one explains that the “man is unclean.”  The second use is an adjective and opens up some interesting optional meanings.  For instance, religious activities with idol worship, child sacrifice, creating idols, necromancers which are communicating with the dead, magic and sorcery.  I also found “to defile one’s self by eating an unacceptable peace offering.” One becomes unclean by association with these things.  This is a description of religious plagues also.

    The cure to all plagues follows.  He must dwell in isolation, separation. Yashab (3427) is to dwell or remain, stay in a dwelling place at night(darkness) and for a long period of time.  The letter shin in Yashab means to be under crushing pressure symbolic of teeth.  The use of badad  informs us that the isolation is to be alone and Chuts (2351) outside, separated by a wall. The letter chet aids us here and means highway.  I thought perhaps, the broad way. The “mo” in mowshab could beg the question “where is this place of isolation?”  She’oul comes to my mind.

     What I am presenting is not the primary focus of this verse.  That would be, how to deal with a plague of sickness, a deadly virus.  It is just amazing that within the meanings of these words and letters one can find so much life giving instruction.

    Lastly, while examining our current pandemic it is interesting where the hardest hit countries are.  Coronavirus hit hardest in the U.S.A. numbering over 677,000 cases.  It is the home of the world’s largest military war machine, largest supplier of weapons to Islam, and global communications networks spewing “come to Jesus” in the history of mankind.  Religious Europe, lead by Rome exceeds the U.S. numbers collectively.  The middle-east lead by Iran/Iraq and Turkey are approaching 300,000.  These are the locations of ancient, religious and political  Babylon.  It seems to me that Yah has fired a serious warning shot.  Unfortunately, the victims ran to their leaders for help and protection instead of trusting and relying on Yahowah and His Towrah guidance.   

Return to Psalm 118

April 10 2020

Coronavirus and the religious reactions.

What works and what doesn’t work with curbing a pandemic.

Leviticus 13:35 and what Yahowah says about plagues.

Being willing to admit you are wrong is the only way to grow.

Return to Mizmowr/Psalm 118.

April 03 2020

Technical difficulties.

Corona Virus, and the Chinese cover up that caused it to reach this point.

What Yahowah had to say about dealing with a Pandemic Qara 13:4-46.

Mizmowr/Psalm 118.

Christian usurpation of prophecies of Dowd.

March 27 2020

Technical difficulties.

Corona Virus and the reaction.

Examining Mismowr 20.

March 20 2020

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March 13 2020

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March 06 2020

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February 28 2020

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February 21 2020

Shooting in Germany.

Hate is good when directed properly.

The dangers of conspiracy theory.

The universal failure of Socialism.

Records being released on “Hitler’s Pope”.

Who is the only person Yah ever refers to as his son?

Looking into the credibility of the “Gospel of Matthew”.

February 14 2020

The coronavirus in the news.

Yah’s chosen people are and always will be the Yahuwdi.

The importance of when Shauwl become Paulos.

The reason both Paul and Muhamad turned on Jews.

The question of predestination Paul vs. Yah.

The made up idea of a “Judaizer”.

The stupidity of the term “Godfearing”.

February 07 2020

The Trump administration’s plan for the Israel/Palestine conflict.

Yahweh always works through human messengers, and there have been periods where no messenger could be found.

Yahowah benefits from his relationship with us and the Covenant.

The arrogance of the adversary, and the stupidity of man.

January 31 2020

The coronavirus in the news.

The practice of gentile mutilation in Islam.

Christianity’s usurpation of Yahowah’s promises to Dowd.

Paul’s misquoting of Habakkuk which actually condemns him.

“Pay attention, he will be puffed up with false pride. His soul, it is not right nor straightforward in him. Therefore, through trust and reliance, by being firmly established and upheld by that which is dependable and truthful, those who are upright and vindicated shall live.

Moreover, because the intoxicating and inebriating spirit of the man of deceptive infidelity and treacherous betrayal is presumptuous and without merit, he will not rest, find peace, nor live, whoever is open to the broad path and duplicitous and improper way, associated with Sha’uwl. He and his soul are like the Plague of Death. And so those who are brought together by him, accepting him, will never be satisfied, including all of the Gowym | Gentiles who gather together and flock to him.

They do not ask questions, any of them, about him. Terse references to the word they lift up as taunts to ridicule, with implied associations that mock, controlling through comparison and counterfeit, along with allusive sayings whereby derisive words are arrogantly conveyed.

There are hard and perplexing questions which need to be asked of him, and double dealings to be known regarding him. So they should say, ‘Woe to the one who claims to be great so as to increase his offspring, acting like a rabbi, when neither apply to him. For how long will they make pledges based upon his significance, becoming burdened by his testimony?’” (Chabaquwq / Embrace This / Habakkuk 2:4-6)

January 24 2020

The book IBM and the Holocaust.

Return to talking about Paul’s contradictions and misrepresentations of Yah’s Word.

Dimensionality and the nature of the universe.

The worse thing Paul ever did was turn the world on Yah’s Chosen People.

January 17 2020

The usurpation of prophecies about Dowd.

God cannot die.

The Passover Lamb is never returned to life or resurrected.

Acts 13:34 in To Dowd or not to Dowd.

“Woe (howy – alas, consider this warning): Everyone (kol – all and anyone) who thirsts (tsame’ – who is parched, dehydrated, and desires water), you should choose of your own accord to actually walk (halak – under the auspices of freewill, make the decision to journey, traveling (qal imperative – as a genuine expression of desire go)) to the water (la ha maym – to waters as the source of life and cleansing), being led to the benefits of the relationship (wa ‘asher – and properly guided to get the most out of life by striding along the correct path) without monetary compensation (‘ayn la huw’ kesep – but do not bring money with them, no gold or silver), wanting to come (halak – desirous of walking and electing to conduct your life on this journey (qal imperative)) while choosing to acquire grain which has been literally inspected and examined, then crushed by choice (shabar – selecting ground grain which has been observed and scrutinized (qal imperative)) and decide to be genuinely nourished (wa ‘akal – want to consume what is nourishing, choosing to eat, taking in of your own accord that which is solid food (qal imperative)).

Of your own accord, come (wa halak – actually choose to literally walk (qal imperative)) without money (ba lo’ keseph – without monetary reimbursement, without coins, gold, or silver, without possessions, belongings, or property, nor anything of value) and without compensation or fee (wa ba lo’ machyr – without any portion of your earnings, without a price to be paid for receiving the service, nor any monetary equivalent or barter), and acquire grain which has been inspected and examined, then crushed (shabar – selecting ground grain, that which has been observed and scrutinized as nourishing (qal imperative)), wine (yayn – the juice of crushed and fermented grapes) and the finest and most beneficial milk (wa chalab – the bountiful food provided by mothers which is the best way to nourish young children, providing an abundance of benefits).” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Rescues, Liberates, and Saves / Isaiah 55:1)

When Paul said, “God raised him from the dead so that he will never be subject to decay. As God has said, ‘I will give you the holy and sure blessings promised to David.’” (Acts 13:34) he lied.

Yahowah’s warning about letting men rule over us.

Looking at verses Paul “Cites” that contradict him.

January 10 2020

The fallout of the US assassination of an Iranian General.

What is and is not a terrorist attack.

Return to the “New Testament’s” usurpation of promises to Dowd.

“New Testament” contradictions.

Yah cannot transfer His promises and remain trustworthy.

January 03 2020

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