ITG Volume 1

An Introduction to God

Volume 1 Dabaym – Words


We are beginning life’s most noble quest – a rite of passage which will take us from the world we know to the Creator of the universe. To begin, we will courageously withdraw from the confusing and caustic influence of religion and politics, cultural morés and conspiracies. Liberated, we will travel through dimensions greater than time using words, evidence, and reason…

“He who dwells (yashabwithin the shelter (ba setherof God (‘elyown), by the likeness (ba tselof the One who is Sufficient (Shaday), will abide through the darkest hours (luwyn). Concerning Yahowah (la YaHoWaH), he says (‘amar) ‘I trust (machseh ‘any) and depend upon (netsachmy God (‘elohay ‘any), relying on Him (ba huw’ batach).’ Therefore (ky), He will defend you (huw’ natsal ‘atahfrom the contrived plots, influence, and false narratives (min pachof those who entice others (yaquwsh), and from the plague of (min debermalicious threats (hawah). His love and mercy are your (chesed ‘al ‘atahshield to keep you cool and collected under fire (tsinah). And His consistent nature (wa ‘emeth huw’) is a valued defense (sochorah). Pause and reflect on this (selah).

You will not be intimidated by (lo’ yare’terrorism or dread this darkness (min pachad laylah), or the pandemic (qetebravaging (shadadat midday (tsaharaym), or even the pestilence of sickening words (deberwhich travel (halakamong the unenlightened (ba ‘opel). A thousand (wa ‘elephwill fall, prostrating themselves, and die (naphal) as foes beside you (min tsad ‘atah), and (wamany thousands more (‘eleph wa rababahas a result of (minyour influence (yamyn), but this will not prevail against you (lo’ taqa’).

You will observe (nabat raqwith your eyes (ba ‘ayn), being shown (ra’ahthe consequence (shilumahof religion (rasha’) as He directs (ky tsawahHis spiritual envoys (mal’akto keep watch over you (la shamarin every way (ba kol derek). I will have them support you (nasa’ ‘atah), preventing you from being tripped up (pen nagaph bain your stance (regel ‘atah) against what has been set in stone (ha ‘eben).

To Me (ba ‘any), he is lovingly attached because we enjoy the same things (chashaq). And so, I will keep him safe (wa palet huw’), empowering him to successfully accomplish the mission (sagab huw’because (kyhe will come to actually know and accurately reveal (yada’My name (shem). He reads My pronouncements (qara’ ‘anyso I respond to him (wa ‘anah huw’). I am with him (huw’ ‘im ‘anyagainst the Adversary (ba tsarah), equipping him (chalats huw’and promoting him (wa kabed huw’), to show the means (wa ra’ahto salvation (ba yashuw’ah).” (Mizmowr / Lyrics / Psalm 91:1-16)