Chemah – Venomous


Chemah – Venomous


Ezekiel failed the Towrah’s test for a prophet in the first sentence of the first chapter, and he has done nothing but dig his own grave since that time. However, I cannot help but wonder why no one has done a sanity check on the mentally deranged author of Ezekiel. How many lies must a wannabe god utter before the religious recognize that he isn’t Divine?

We can only assume that Christians, Jews, and Muslims are so accustomed to being deliberately deceived that they have developed an affinity for false prophets. Otherwise, why would all three religions consider this trash inspired by God? After all, 60% of our way through Ezekiel we haven’t read a single statement which was both relevant and true. And most are completely false. Many have been demented and demonic, sadistic and satanic. Addressing Yahuwdym | Jews, the false prophet opined…

What’s more (wa gamI, myself, gave to them (‘any nathan la hemundesirable and counterproductive, immoral and displeasing (lo’ towb – awful, not good and thus bad), statutes and stipulations (choq), decisions and judgments (wa mishpatfor them to die, unable to stay alive (lo’ chayah – to foreclose life, restoration, and renewal) with them (ba hem)(Yachezq’el / Ezekiel 20:25)

This admission is immensely saddening and tremendously frustrating. I am disappointed in my fellow man. How is it that we have been so ignorant that billions believe that this is the voice of God when it is so obviously Satan? It is infuriating that Christian and Jewish theologians, knowing that this spirit fixated on the death and damnation of Jews was not God, nonetheless, presented Ezekiel as Divinely inspired.