Chywah – Beast


Chywah – Beast


Daniel claims Darius became king of Babylon after having killed Belshazzar, that he was Xerxes’ son, and that he ruled before Cyrus. Since none of this is true, we must question why history was inverted. Even as the future plays out before him, Daniel is at a loss to understand any of it. There are so many dark twists and turns with Dany’el, it is readily apparent that he was mired in Babylon. And in this way, he is being used to portray Israel, becoming the embodiment of the Haredim.

In these pages, we witness the religious kiss up to politicians for favors. We see Judaism’s fixation on eating Kosher. We find a world where the author of every ridiculous interpretation is ascribed a distinctive name while God’s isn’t mentioned. Therein, we find the underpinnings of the Babylonian Talmud.

Also intriguing, Daniel 6 reads like the Christian New Testament, predicting the trial Jewish religious leaders allegedly arranged before Pontius Pilate. Daniel’s supposed death sentence, his divine protection, and morning resurrection from his intended tomb, including having had the stone rolled away for him to escape unharmed, served as fodder for the gospel writers.

In spite of the misguided rhetoric, the witnesses who appear in the second half of the book were real. Their predictions are accurate, and particularly those conveyed by the man portrayed as Gabriel – who is actually our Messiah and returning King, Dowd | David. His insights include…

“The promises of Shabuw’ah and the Shabat (shabuwa’ym shib’iym) are planned (chathakon behalf of your people, the extended family (‘al ‘am ‘atah), and for your set-apart city and its inhabitants (wa ‘al ‘iyr qodesh ‘atahto bring an end to religious rebellion, eliminating communal defiance (la kalah ha pesha’), to affix the signature which seals up the guilt associated with having missed the way (wa la chatham chata’owth), to provide reconciliation for religious error (wa la kaphar ‘awon), to bring that which is eternally right, thereby attaining everlasting vindication (wa la bow’ tsedeq ‘owlam), to seal up revelation, confirming and completing these communications (wa la chatham chazown wa naby’), and prophecy (wa naby’), while also anointing the Most Set Apart (wa la mashach qodesh qodesh).” (Daniel 9:24)

Yahowah will fulfill the promises He made to His people through the seven Miqra’ey | Invitations to be Called Out. And with their arrival in Yaruwshalaim, Father and Son will bring an end to religious rebellion. Counseled by our God and Shepherd, we will never stray again. With the relationship reconciled, a remnant of Yisra’el will be eternally vindicated. This is the summation of prophecy, with Dowd anointing the Mercy Seat of the Covenant within the Qodesh Qodesh of God’s Home on Yowm Kipurym in year 6000 Yah – October 2nd, at sunset, in 2033.