
God Damn Religion



By examining the Quran in the order it was revealed, a disturbing trend emerges. The Islamic deity migrates from a nameless Lord to Rahman and then to al-Lahu. The spirit starts off demonic, personally involved in hellish torments, then journeys from foolish to fierce, moving from tongue-lashings to brutality. The Quranic message evolved from simplistic Hanif traditions to twisted versions of the Judaic Talmud, finally settling upon Qusayy’s arcane pagan rituals – all used to give a terrorist manifesto a veil of religiosity.

In a perverse twist of irony, the people who supplied the raw material became Islam’s enemies. The Hanifs were defeated in the bloodiest battles of the War of Compulsion. The Jews suffered genocide for their contributions. Even Muhammad’s kin were conquered by the religion they had inspired.

History condemns Islam, which is why Muslims rewrite it. For the first 4,600 years it was recorded, Arabs, isolated by scorched seas of sand, were known for being self-reliant, freedom-loving people who lived humble lives in peaceful isolation. For the past 1,400 years, they have been relentless terrorists, murderous savages, misogynists and rapists, slave traders and thieves, who have plundered the world.

This assessment of Arab history points to a single informed and rational conclusion: Islam turned good men bad. Muhammad is to blame. The Quran is the deadliest and most debilitating book in human history and now poses a threat to our survival. It ordains the worst of human behaviors and manufactures vast quantities of terrorists.

Having flamed out as a religious prophet, Allah’s Messenger became a profiteer and sand pirate. Muslims put Arabia in turmoil, spilling blood for plunder as a merciless gang. They knew terror, torture, thievery, murder, misogyny, rape, and slavery were wrong, yet they did these things anyway. Their consciences were assuaged by the Quran. The wannabe God said that booty was good and that killing was the surest way to reach his perverted paradise for pedophiles.

Islam degrades the human experience. The closer one gets to it, the more one emulates its non-prophet and follows the commands of its un-god, the more perverted that person becomes. Not all Muslims are terrorists – but all of the good ones are.