
God Damn Religion



An avowed pedophile and rapist, a schizophrenic narcissist and sadistic psychopath became an unremorseful mass murderer and vicious terrorist, all while this same dimwitted and immoral anti-Semite professed to be a prophet without a prophecy. Together with his demonic deity and fellow marauding malcontents, he established the religion of Islam and declared war on all mankind. The Islamic assault on 10/07/2023 was the result. Good Muslims kill…

Quran 033.026 “He brought down those who backed them among the People of the Book from their strongholds, and cast ru’ba | terror into their hearts, so that a group you killed, and a group you enslaved as captives. Quran 033.027 And He caused you to inherit their land and their houses and their wealth, and land you had not trodden.”

Tabari VII:97 Ishaq:369 Bukhari:V1B1N6 “Kill every Jew.”

Quran 008.012 “Your Lord inspired the angels, ‘I am with you, so keep firm those who believed. I will cast al-ru’ba | terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved. So strike them over the necks and cut off all their fingers and toes. Quran 008.013 That is because they opposed al-Laha and His Rasul. And whoever opposes al-Laha and His Rasul, then lo, al-Laha severe in punishment. Quran 008.014 So taste it.’ And that for the disbelieving is the punishment of the Fire.” Quran 008.039 “So, fight them until there is no more fitnah | disbelief by worshipping others, and the religion, all of it, will all be for Allah.” Quran 008.057 “So when you fight them and if you gain control and dominance over them in al-harb | the war, strike fear in them, and punish them severely in order to make an example of them. Frighten them off and disperse those who support them, so that they may learn a lesson and be deterred.”

Ishaq:254 “We will not remove a Jew from the punishment. The Jew knows the shameful thing that awaits him in the next life because he has wasted the knowledge he has.”

Quran 008.067 “It is not for a Prophet to take or keep arsa | captives as prisoners until he had made a great slaughter and conquest, subduing others in the land. You desire goods and possessions of this world (the money of ransom), but al-Lahu desires the after.”

Tabari VII:97 “We carried Ka’b’s head and brought it to Muhammad during the night. We saluted him as he stood praying and told him that we had slain Allah’s enemy. When he came out to us we cast Ashraf’s head before his feet. The Prophet praised Allah that the poet had been assassinated and complimented us on the good work we had done in Allah’s Cause. Then he spat upon our comrade’s wounds and we returned to our families. Our attack upon Allah’s enemy cast terror among the Jews, and there was no Jew in Medina who did not fear for his life.”