Sunnah & Suratun

God Damn Religion

Sunnah & Suratun


As we approach the Time of Ya’aqob’s Troubles, God’s people are going to be harassed as never before. Their most diabolical enemy will continue to be Islam. Therefore, Yahowah, the God of ‘Abraham, Yitschaq, and Ya’aqob, wants to keep His people safe so that they can consider what He is offering and return home. For this reason, God Damn Religion is a labor of love, a gift from Yahowah to Yahuwdym and Yisra’el from the Nakry | Observant Foreigner. Of him Shalomoh | Solomon foretold…

“Therefore (wa gam), regarding the Nakry | Observant and Discerning Foreigner from a different ethnicity and geographic location, who will come to understand (ha nakry), who, to show the way to the benefits of the relationship (‘asher), is not of your people (lo’ min ‘am ‘atah), this Yisra’el (Yisra’el huw’), he will come (wa bow’from a faraway country in a distant time (min ‘erets rachowqfor the express purpose of being a Witness and providing answers regarding (lama’anYour (‘atahtremendous (ha gadowlname (shem) and Your influence (wa yad ‘atah) as the empowered and resolute defender (ha chazaq), and (waas one sowing the seeds which will take root and grow (zarowa’ huw’whom You have extended (‘atah ha natah). When he arrives on the scene to pursue this (wa bow’), he will help interested parties reconcile their relationship by providing the information needed to make reasoned decisions (palalregarding the Family (‘el ha beyth ha zeh). (Dabarym ha Yowmym 6:32)

When you hear this coming out of the spiritual realm (wa ‘atah shama’ min ha shamaym), within the location where you live (min makown yashab ‘atah), then engage and act accordingly, choosing to do everything (wa ‘asah ka kolwhich, to show the way (‘asher), the Nakry | Observant Foreigner from a different ethnicity and geographic location who understands, this man from another place and culture, speaking a language other than Hebrew, who is uniquely discerning (ha nakry) has invited you to read (qara’ ‘el ‘atah), for the express purpose of being a Witness, who provides answers such that (lama’anall peoples of the Earth (kol ‘am ha ‘eretswill have an opportunity to become familiar with Yada’, to know, acknowledge, accept, and understand (yada’Your name (‘eth shem ‘atah), coming to respect and revere You (wa la yare’ ‘eth ‘atahsimultaneously along with (kaYour people (‘am ‘atah), Yisra’el (Yisra’el). And also, so (wa lathey may know (yada’that (ky) Your Family Home (‘al ha beyth ha zeh), which, to reveal the correct way to the relationship (‘asher), I have built for the Family (banahwho are Qara’ | Called Out and Welcomed (qara’by Your name (shem ‘atah).” (Dabarym ha Yowmym / Words of the Days / 2nd Chronicles 6:33)