The Mashal are Word Pictures composed by Yahowah’s most beloved Son, Dowd | David. They contain parental advice from Yahowah as our Heavenly Father and the Ruwach Qodesh as our Spiritual Mother. What follows is the best advice ever given…
“You should choose to actually listen (shama’) children (ben) to the truthful teaching and correct instruction (muwsar) of the Father (‘ab). Then (wa) of your own volition, you should choose to pay attention (qashab) so as (la) to become familiar with, know, and acknowledge (yada’) what it means to understand, thereby, deducing the intended meaning from each revelation (bynah). (4:1)
For indeed (ky), good, beneficial, and valuable, enjoyable and productive, useful and appropriate (towb), teaching and instruction (laqach) I have given to you to facilitate your approach (nathan la ‘atah).
Therefore, you should not ever forsake, neglect, or reject (‘al ‘azab) My Towrah (Towrah ‘any – My Source of Teaching, Guidance, Direction, and Instruction; from tow – My signed, written, and enduring, towrah – way of treating you, tuwr – giving you the means to explore, to seek, to find, and to choose, yarah – the source from which My instruction, teaching, guidance, and direction is poured out to you, which tuwb – provides answers that facilitate your restoration and return, even your response to that which is towb – good, pleasing, beneficial, favorable, healing, and right, and that which makes you acceptable so you can endure, tohorah – purifying and cleansing you, towr – so as to provide you with an opportunity to change your thinking and direction).” (Mashal / Word Pictures / Proverb 4:2)