Being right in the end is all that ultimately matters in the game of life. Neither money nor acclaim will turn on the lights when all around goes dark…
“A trustworthy and reliable (‘emuwn) witness (‘ed) does not intentionally communicate that which is false (lo’ kazab). And yet (wa) a misleading and deceptive (sheqer) witness (‘ed) pours out a torrent (puwach) of lies and delusions (kazab). (14:5)
A scoffer (lets) intermittingly seeks (baqash) expertise and erudition (chakmah) but there is none (wa ‘ayn), while (wa) understanding based upon knowledge (da’ath) is swift and easy (qalal) for the one who makes the proper connections (la byn). (14:6)
You should choose to walk away from (halak min) the presence of (neged la) an ignorant or irrational individual (kasyl la ‘ysh) because otherwise (wa) you will not come to know or appreciate Yada’s (bal yada’) understanding of the language or information and insights deduced from these words (saphah da’ath). (14:7)
The capacity to comprehend (chakmah) for the prudent and discerning (‘aruwm) comes by way of judiciously relating information to deduce a greater meaning when he embarks on this journey with his full attention (by derek huw’). However (wa), the foolishness of corrupt leadership (‘iweleth) defrauds and beguiles (mirmah) the ignorant and irrational (kasyl). (14:8)
Captivated by corrupt leadership, those incapable of thinking for themselves (‘ewyl) show no respect for (lyts) the atoning sacrifice (‘asham). Alternatively (wa), those who are right, on the level, and straightforward (yashar) observe the relationships between things and come to understand (bayn) the choices which lead to being approved and accepted (ratsown).” (Mashal / Word Pictures / Proverb 14:9)