



The Song of the Sea resonates today, just as it inspired those who sang it 3,500 years ago. The more we learn about what Yahowah has done in the past, the better prepared we will be for what will soon transpire. We are on the cusp of a second exodus. It is once again time to come home…

“Moseh (Mosehand the Children of Yisra’el (wa beny Yisra’elsang (shyrthis song to convey the motivations and intent (‘eth ha shyrah ha zowthof Yahowah. They expressed words (wa ‘amarto profess (la ‘amar), ‘I will sing (shyrto approach (laYahowah(15:1)

Yah is my source of strength and courage (‘oz ‘any), making me the best I can be by empowering and enriching me (wa zimrah). He has become (wa hayahmy deliverance and salvation (la ‘any la yashuw’ah). This (zeh) is my God (‘el ‘any). I will express that which is laudable regarding Him because I will dwell in His beautiful home (nawah huw’). My father’s (‘any ‘abyGod (‘elohymwill lift me up on high with Him and I will be raised by Him (wa ruwm huw).” (15:2)

“Who (myis comparable to (kamow) You (‘atahamong (bathe gods (ha ‘elmYahowah? Who (myis similar to You (kamow ‘atah)? Who is actually proven and admirable (‘adar), earning respect for being inspiring (yare’in the set-apart and differentiating nature (ba ha qodeshof these wonderful signs, these distinguishing insights into Your nature (pele’), engaging and acting in a way (‘asahwhich deserves appreciation (tahilah)?”(15:11)

“With (baYour unfailing devotion, affection, and kindness, especially mercy (chesed ‘atahfor this family (‘am zuw), You have guided and escorted (nahal), delivering and redeeming them (ga’alby (baYour tremendous power (‘oz ‘atahon behalf of (‘elYour Set-Apart (qodesh ‘atahhomeland (naweh).” (15:13) “Yahowah will reign, providing advice (malakthrough the eternal testimony forever (la ‘ed wa ‘ed).” (Shemowth / Names / Exodus 15:18)