Yahowah inspired Isaiah to say this about His Son, Dowd…
“Truly (ky), a child (yeled) was born (yalad) before us (la ‘anachnuw), a son (ben) was given (nathan) on our behalf (la ‘anachnuw). The opportunity to learn what can be known about how to be properly led, how to engage and endure (wa misrah), was and will be (wa hayah) on (‘al) his shoulder (shekem huw’).
His name, reputation, and renown (wa shem huw’) has been read and recited as (qara’): a counselor providing valuable advice (yow’ets) who is astoundingly brilliant and amazingly insightful (pele’), a heroic individual who fights for what is right as the most courageous and capable man (gibowr) of God (‘el), an eternal witness providing restoring testimony (‘ed) for the Father (‘ab), the leader who conveys the authorized position (ha sar) on reconciliation and restoration (shalowm), (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 9:6) tremendously increasing (rab) the ability to learn about and respond to (lam) the means to engage and endure, to be liberated and empowered (ha misrah).
As a result of this approach (wa la), reconciliation and restoration (shalowm) will be without end (‘ayn qets) upon the throne and royal authority (‘al kise’) of Dowd (Dowd), as well as (wa) upon his kingdom and sovereignty (‘al mamlakah huw’) so as to be prepared and established by it (la kuwn ‘eth hy’), and (wa) to be restored and sustained by him (wa la sa’ad huw’), with the means to exercise good judgment and justly resolve disputes (ba mishpat) by being right and becoming vindicated (wa ba tsadaqah) from then to now (min ‘atah) and forevermore (wa ‘ad ‘owlam).
The deep devotion and passion (qin’ah) of Yahowah (Yahowah) of the spiritual implements (tsaba’) has engaged to achieve this result (‘asah zo’th).” (Yasha’yah / Deliverance is from Yah / Isaiah 9:7)
I share Yahowah’s devotion to His Son and I am proud to herald the Messiah’s return. In this way, I please God and serve Yahuwdym, protecting them from the cults of Jesus, HaShem, and Allah. This is the story Israel must hear: Father and Son collaborated to conceive, save, raise, and support the Covenant Family.