



The Lord uses authority figures, and thus religious and political leaders, to elicit obedience. This demonic spirit presents himself as God, even as the Lord Jesus Christ of Christianity. The alternative is found throughout Yahowah’s Towrah and Prophets and in the Psalms and Proverbs of His Son…

“You should choose to pursue (bow’correct counsel, seeking the right advice (‘etsah). Then engage in (‘asahthoughtful decision-making (palylah). Of your own freewill, present (shythyourself (tsel ‘atahin contrast to (kathe darkness (ha layl)… (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 16:3)

Indeed (ky), the oppressive extortioner (ha metswill be no more (‘aphes). This demonic spirit seeking to be worshiped as God (shedis finished, his purpose complete. He will be imprisoned, restraining (kalah) the one who treads upon (ramasthe entire earth (min ha ‘erets). (Yasha’yah / Isaiah 16:4)

Then genuine mercy and enduring love (wa chesedwill be established and sustained (kuwn – enduring) on the seat of honor (kise’). And upon it (wa ‘al huw’), he will be restored and abide (yashabin (batruth (‘emethwithin (bathe brilliant dwelling (‘ohelof Dowd | David (Dowd). By exercising good judgment (shaphatwhile (waconsidering (darashthe means to resolve disputes (mishpat), he will effectively (wa mahyrpursue that which is right and vindicating (tsedeq)(Yasha’yah / Isaiah 16:5)

We have heard (shama’of the agitation and arrogance (ga’ownof Mow’ab | those of a Questionable Father raised as Pauline Christians and amoral secularists (Mow’ab). He is self-promoting (ge’ me’od) with his delusional projection of himself as magnificent and moral (ga’awah huw’). His presumptive attribution of merit (ga’own huw’) and (wahis improper and immoral outbursts, which display an inflated sense of superiority (‘ebrah huw’), are not right (lo’ ken) nor is his unwarranted speech (bad huw’).” (Yasha’yah / Liberation and Salvation are from Yahowah / Isaiah 16:6)