Written in Stone

Written in Stone


In our quest to “yada’ – know” Yahowah and “byn – understand” what He is offering and expecting in return, let’s consider the Three Statements and Seven Instructions He chiseled in stone. On the First of Two Tablets, God summarized His message to humankind. On the Second Tablet, He explained how to live a fulfilling and rewarding life. There were no “commandments” listed on either Tablet…

“I am (‘ankyYahowah (YaHoWaH), your God (‘elohym ‘atah) who, for the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), brought you out and delivered you (yatsa’ ‘atahaway from the realm (min ‘eretsof the Crucibles of Religious and Political Oppression (Mitsraym), out of the house (min beythof slavery (‘ebed). You will not continue to exist with (lo’ hayah la ‘atahother (‘achergods (‘elohymover and above (‘alMy presence (paneh ‘any).

You should not continue to associate yourself with or engage on behalf of (lo’ ‘asah la ‘ataha religious image or object of worship (pesel), or any visual representation of something (wa kol tamunahwhich is in the heavens above (‘asher be ha shamaym min ma’al)

You should not speak about them or make a practice of bowing down and worshiping them (lo’ chawah la hem), and you shall not serve them or compel anyone to be passionate about them (wa lo’ ‘abad hem). For, indeed (ky), I (‘anky), Yahowah (YaHoWaH), your God (‘elohy ‘atah), am a fiercely protective, steadfastly loyal, and jealous God (qana’ ‘el), actually counting (paqadthe perversity of the delusions which distort and manipulate (‘awonof the fathers (‘abyupon the children (‘al ben) to the third and the fourth generations (‘al silesym wa ‘al ribea’of those who shun Me (sane’ ‘any).

However (wa), I will act to provide (‘asahunfailing mercy, unearned favor, and genuine forgiveness (chesedon behalf of (la’ – to enable the approach of) thousands (‘elephymwho move toward Me in love (la ‘ahab ‘anyand who approach Me by closely examining and carefully considering (wa la shamarthe instructive terms of My relationship agreement (mitswah ‘any).” (Shemowth / Names / Exodus 20:2-6)