YY The Story of Man

Yada Yah

The Story of Man


The living soul known as man was the last animal God created on the sixth day. He fashioned us male and female, as with all other forms of life, from natural elements of the earth by manipulating the DNA code. But something was different about the species Homo sapiens.

God designed a unique animal with a special capacity to think, to communicate, to be creative and productive, to walk upright, and to conceive and raise children in a loving family, teaching and protecting them in a manner which enables them to more fully appreciate the Covenant He conceived. Our very nature is symbolic of Yahowah’s character and purpose. We are the realization of God’s design, the living embodiment of His plan…

“So (waGod (‘elohymcreated (bara’‘Adam | the man for association (‘eth ha ‘adamin His image and pattern (ba tselem huw’). In the image (ba tselemof the Almighty (‘elohym), He created (bara’him (‘eth huw’). Male (zakar) and female (naqebah), He brought them into existence to be together (bara’ ‘eth hem).” (Bare’syth / In the Beginning / Genesis 1:27)

“Then (waYahowah (YaHoWaH), Almighty (‘elohym), formed (yasar), for association and accompaniment (‘eth), ‘Adam (ha ‘adamout of (min) the material substance (‘aparof (minthe ground (ha ‘adamah). He blew (wa naphachinto his nostrils (ba ‘aph huw’a life-giving, restoring, and sustaining (chayymconscience (neshamah – seat of rational thinking and good judgment, of recognizing the difference between right and wrong, discernment and discrimination).

And ‘Adam (wa ha ‘adamcame to exist as (hayaha living (chaysoul (la nepesh – with consciousness, the ability to observe and respond).” (Bare’syth / In the Beginning / Genesis 2:7)