Yada Yah
God not only has just one name, Yahowah, but His initial goal in our lives is to liberate us, freeing us from the controlling and subversive effects of religion and government. This is Yahowah’s advice to you. Are you listening?…
“Seek, learning the information which has been made available about (darash) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) while He may be found and encountered (ba matsa’ huw’). Choose to call upon Him (qara’ huw’) while He is near (ba hayah huw’ qarowb).
Those in violation of the standard, the unethical and immoral, the religious and political (rasha’), should choose to reject their own way (‘azab derek huw’), along with the evil and deceitful individual whose beliefs, musings, and opinions are untrue (wa ‘awen ‘ysh machashabah huw’).
Let him choose, of his own volition, to return (wa shuwb) to (‘el) Yahowah (YaHoWaH) so that He may have compassion on him and love him, reengaging in a relationship with him (wa racham huw’).
And as for our God (wa ‘el ‘elohym ‘anachnuw), He will actually forgive (la salach) many (rabah).
‘For My thoughts (ky machashabah ‘any) are not your thoughts (lo’ machashabah ‘atem). And neither are My ways (wa lo’ derek ‘any) your ways (derek ‘atem),’ prophetically declares (na’um) Yahowah (YaHoWaH).
‘For the spiritual realm (ky shamaym) is dimensions beyond the comprehension of (gabah) the material realm (min ‘erets).
Likewise, so (ken) are My ways (derek ‘any) well in advance (gabah) of your ways (derek ‘atem) and (wa) My reasoning (machashabah ‘any) distant from (min) your inclinations and opinions (machashabah ‘atem)…
…When I give seeds (wa nathan zera’) to the one who sows (la ha zera’), there is bread to eat (wa lechem la ha ‘akal). So shall My word be (ken hayah dabar ‘any).
For the benefit of the relationship (‘asher), that which goes out of My mouth (yatsa’ min peh ‘any) shall not return to Me without result, delivering what was expected (lo’ shuwb ‘el ‘any reqam).
Without exception (ky ‘im), it will accomplish (‘asah) the relational benefits which (‘asher) I desire and on behalf of those I find pleasing (chaphets). And it will succeed (wa tsalach) for the benefit of the relationship for which I have extended it (‘asher shalach huw’).’” (Yasha’yah / Yahowah Liberates and Rescues / Isaiah 55:6-11)