BTR 2021


Yada Yah Radio

Yada Yah radio airs every Friday at 6:00 CST on Blog Talk Radio. Host Craig Winn is joined by Kirk Miller, and myself. Each week we delve into Yahowah’s Word, and examine them in light of the world we live in.




December 31 2021


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December 25 2021


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December 17 2021

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December 10 2021

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December 03 2021


Return to Kipurym.

The history of the “Star of David”

The “Branch”, Dowd, will return and build Yahowah’s house.

“And the crown (wa ha ‘atarah – the symbol of status) has always been and will continually exist (hayah – shall always be (qal imperfect)) for the purpose of Chelem | Being Restored (la Chalamthrough Towbyah | Yah’s Goodness (wa la Towb Yahby Yada Yahowah | by Knowing and Understanding Yahowah (wa la Yada’ Yahowah), in order to Chen | Receive Mercy (wa la Chenas a Yahowtsaphan | Child who Treasures Yahowah – valuing what He has hidden for us to discover (ben Tsaphanyah), especially as a way to memorialize the 150inheritance right and commemorate the symbolism (la zikarownassociated with the Royal Residence and Temple (ba hekalof Yahowah (Yahowah – the proper pronunciation of YaHoWaH, our ‘elowah – God as directed in His ToWRaH – teaching regarding His HaYaH – existence and our ShaLoWM – restoration).” (Zakaryah / Remember Yahowah / Zechariah 6:14)

November 26 2021


Kirk’s Notes

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November 19 2021


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November 12 2021


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November 05 2021


The myth of “Man-Made Climate Change”.

Return to Zakaryah 2.

What are the different “Babels” that Yahowah is calling His people away from?

October 29 2021


Written in Stone rewrite is out.

Beginning Kipurym chapter 2.

Yahowah’s Prophets speak very little about themselves, they simply tell us what Yahowah says.

Zakaryah 2.

Yahowah’s constant rebuke of the Yauwdi for following the ways of their fathers, proving the statement about honoring your mother and father can’t be about our earthly mother and father.

October 22 2021


The situation in Afghanistan

There is not a single prophecy that names Yahowsha.

Return to Yirma’yah 30

Yahowah will write His Towrah upon out Leb/heart which is the seat of reason, enabling us to make good judgments.

How English translations completely change the meaning of a prophecy simply by adding the word “of”.

October 15 2021

Islamic slavery in Africa, and Critical Race Theory and the idea that America is a racist county.

The riots in Lebanon.

New study shows that since 1950 Priest in the Catholic Church have sexually abused more than 200,00 children in France.

Return to Yirma’yah 33.

Yahowah specifically made it such that His Priest were not compensated for their work, something every religion has ignored.

The distinction between the Lowey, the Kohen and the Shaphat.

Yahowah’s dietary instruction, not commands or restrictions.

Yahowah’s Prophets provided Words, not signs and miracles.

October 08 2021


What Yah says about the renewal of His Covenant.

Judaism revere’s the word of Rabbi’s over Yahowah’s.

Yirmah’ya 33:21 destroys replacement theology.

There is only one man who Yahowah calls His Son, Dowd.

What made Dowd stand out.

October 01 2021


The situation in Israel.

Return to Yirma’yah 30.

The time of Ya’aqob’s Trouble.

Replacement Theology.

September 24 2021


The celebration of Sukah this week.

The Catholic adoption of All Hallows Eve as All Saints Day which eventually became Halloween.

The Catholic adoption of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti,The Birth of the Sun, as Christmas.

What we have to look forward as we near 2033.

Man’s impact on climate change.

The reason Yah always instruct His prophets to write what He says.

The Time of Ya’qob’s Troubles.

September 17 2021


Yom Kippuriym

The Hebrew Word Anah.

“Then (waYahowah (Yahowahdeclared the Word (dabarto Moseh (‘el Mosheh), saying (la ‘amar)(Qara’ 23:26) ‘Exclusively (‘ak) during (bathe tenth (ha ‘asowr) 32of the seventh (la ha shaby’iymonth (ha chodeshis the Day (ha zeh yowmof Reconciliations (ha Kipurym). This (huw’) exists as (hayaha set-apart and special (qodeshInvitation to be Called Out and Meet (Miqra’for you all to approach (la ‘atem). Then, your soul (wa ‘eth nepesh ‘atemshould respond (‘anah) and appear before (qarabthe feminine manifestation of the fiery light (‘ishehto approach (laYahowah (YaHoWaH). (Qara’ 23:27)

So (wa), do not perform or attempt to profit from (lo’ ‘asahany (kolof the service of Mala’kah | Spiritual Messenger and Maternal Counselor (Mala’kahduring (bathis life-sustaining and essential (‘etsemday (ha yowm ha zeh).

Indeed (ky), the Day of Reconciliations (Yowm Kipurym) is to (huw’ la) make amends, purging that which is offensive to pardon and forgive, reconciling the relationship (kapharfor you all (‘al ‘atembefore the appearance and in the presence of (la paneh) Yahowah (YaHoWaH), your God (‘elohym ‘atem)(Qara’ 23:28)

Truthfully (ky), any (kolsoul (ha nepeshwhich by association (‘asherdoes not answer and respond (lo’ ‘anahduring (bathis life-sustaining and essential, invigorating and corporeal (‘etsem), day (ha yowm ha zeh), that soul will be cut off and either eliminated or exiled (karathfrom (minbeing with the community and kinship of living souls (‘am hy’). (Qara’ 23:29)

Any (wa kolsoul or individual consciousness capable of being observant and responsive (ha nepesh), which by association (‘ashercontinually attempts to perform or reassign any part of the work of, or to make a profit based upon (‘asah kol), the Mala’kah | Spiritual Counselor and Maternal Messenger (Mal’akahduring (bathis life-sustaining and essential (‘etsemday (ha yowm ha zeh), that specific and individual soul (‘eth ha 33nepesh ha huw’I will eliminate such that it ceases to exist or is forcibly expelled (‘abadfrom (min – out of) being around the family and striving against the community of living souls (qereb ‘am hy’). (Qara’ 23:30)

Do not consistently or habitually attempt to perform the work (lo’ ‘asahpertaining to anything associated with (kol) the Mala’kah | Spiritual Counselor and Maternal Messenger (Mal’akah).

This is an eternal and everlasting (‘owlamclearly communicated and inscribed prescription for living (chuqahthroughout your generations (la dowr ‘atemin every situation and dwelling place (ba kol mowshab ‘atem)(Qara’ 23:31)

It is for you (huw’ la ‘atema Shabatown, an empowering and enriching expression of everything associated with the promise of seven (shabatown), a Shabat observance, a seventh day to celebrate with God (shabat).

And so your soul, the aspect of yourself capable of being observant and responsive (wa ‘eth nepesh ‘atem), should reply by answering the summons and making a declaration (‘anah).

During (bathe ninth (tesha’of the month (la ha chodesh), in the evening (ba ha ‘erebfrom (minsundown (‘erebuntil (‘adsunset (‘ereb), you should consistently observe, closely examining and carefully considering (shamaryour association with the Shabat (shabat ‘atem).’” (Qara’ / Called Out / Leviticus 23:32)

The Catholic adoption of Pagan festivals.

“There shall not be found among you one causing his son or daughter to…participate in magic, fortunetelling, witchcraft,…consulting with dead spirits (sha’al’owb – one who evokes the deceased, the act of calling upon dead spirits for approval and support, praying to saints), or one who beguiles by summoning spirits, one who causes the premature death of others by way of the destructive worship of heathen deities. All who do these things are an abomination, hated and detested by Yahowah.” (Dabarym / Words / Deuteronomy 18:10-12)

September 10 2021


The replacement of Taruwah with Rosh Hashanah.

Jewish is an ethnicity not a religion.

Return to discussion on Kippuriym.

The 3 possible paths a soul can ultimately follow.

God does not want us to worship Him.

There are no good translations because familiarity sells.

September 03 2021


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August 27 2021


Covid-19 and Conspiracy Theorist.

The fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban.

The upcoming Miqra if Taruwah.

Yah always works through man.

Yom Kippuriym.

The need for a filter when using Lexicons and Dictionaries because they try to justify English translations.

How flawed the Jewish Publication Society translation is when it comes to the instructions regarding Yom Kippuriym.

August 20 2021


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August 13 2021

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August 06 2021


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July 30 2021


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July 23 2021


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July 16 2021


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July 09 2021


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July 02 2021


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June 25 2021


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June 18 2021


The purpose of the Passover Lamb.

Yahowah looks over and protects His children

The transferring prophecies about Dowd to “Jesus”.

June 11 2021


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June 04 2021


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May 28 2021

The fact that Covid 19 was developed in a lab.

The anti-Semitic nature of Islam.

Return to Exodus 4.

More reasons not to trust the Greek Text.

There is no “sacrifice” involved in Pesach.

May 21 2021


The conclusion of the Miqra of Shabuwah.

The current situation in Israel, and the blame the Jews mentality of the world.

Return to Moshe’s first encounter with Yah.

Transliteration vs Translation and when and where each is appropriated.

 Written vs spoken word.

May 14 2021


The terrorist attacks in Israel.

The history of the creation of the state of Israel.

Return to Moshe’s first encounter with Yah.

The nature of Yahowah’s soul.

May 07 2021

Return to Moshe’s first encounter with Yah.

What Mitsraym represents.

What is meant by Land of Milk and Honey.

The timing of Pesach, Matsah and Bikuriym.

April 30 2021


The Miqra of Matsah.

The stamped at a Jewish religious festival.

Re-examining Daniel’s Prophecy of Seventy Weeks.

Return to Moshe’s first encounter with Yah.

How sure we can be on the pronunciation of Yahowah’s name.

The importance of context.

April 23 2021


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April 16 2021


Issues with the Police in America.

Return to Moshe’s first encounter with Yahowah Exodus 3:5.

Why Yahowah choose Moshe.

April 09 2021


The anti-vaccine movement.

Solomon’s’ sermon at the dedication of the temple.

Moshe’s first encounter with Yahowah.

April 02 2021


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March 26 2021


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March 19 2021


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March 12 2021


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March 05 2021

Preparing for the coming Economic collapse.

Questioning Paul update and correlations between the New Testament and the Iliad and Odyssey.

The basis of replacement theology.

Return to Ba’reshyth.

Without a relationship with Yahowah we are like any other animal.

What the Adversaries name, Halal Ben Shakar, means.

February 26 2021


Return to the story of Adam and Chawah.

The role and reason women are more emotional.

The reasons so many of Yah’s instructions are in the imperfect.

The Hebrew word “’asher”.

The importance of Dowd.

What man values vs what Yahowah values.

February 19 2021


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February 12 2021


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February 05 2021


Everything good that has been done over the last 4 years being reduced.

BLM vs the Protestors taking over Congress.

Return to the story of Adam, Chawah and the Serpent.

There was no “Forbidden Fruit” there was just a consequence attached to eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Chawah’s decision was emotionally motivated, not reasoned through.

Yahowah’s view on circumcision, and why.

Adam and Chawah already knew Good so eating from the tree only let them know Bad.

The fact that Adam and Chawah hid from God, and God called out looking for them proves that God is neither omnipresent or omniscient.

Adam and Chawah’s blaming of others for their mistake.

January 29 2021


FDR’s role in worsening the Great Depression.

Paul’s claim that the Towrah can’t save.

Satan’s temptation in the garden.

The role of reason and emotion.

Hate expressed correctly and toward the right things, is good and appropriate.

Debate fallacies.

Chawah’s additions and misquote of Yah’s Word.

Why did Chawah edit Yahwah’s Word.

January 22 2021


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January 15 2021


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January 08 2021


Progress of Questioning Paul rewrite.

The rioting in Washington this week.

The way our Federalist System should work.

YeremeYah 31 starting with the 31st verse.

The difference between Towrah, capital T, and towrah, lowercase t.