

This page will be a repository for miscellaneous articles written by myself and others. I imagine most new content for this website will end up here.


Male circumcision has always been a contentious and controversial procedure. Families throughout history have had to carefully consider the multifaceted implications in choosing this convention for their sons. It can be an extremely volatile issue; dividing people along the defensive fault lines of religion and social tradition, often at odds with the opinions of modern medicine.

What is God’s view on circumcision? What did He reveal, and what have those who claim to speak for him said about it? We will be closely examining and carefully considering (or to shamar in Hebrew) everything that Yahowah has to say on the subject. To that end there are two Hebrew words which we need to come to understand, and then examine their use in Yahowah’s towrah teaching.
Muwl – the Hebrew word meaning to circumcise or to be circumcised, or literally to remove the foreskin of the penis, or to not have foreskin on the penis.
‘Aral – the Hebrew word meaning uncircumcised, or literally having foreskin.

This is a rough draft of the paper, it has taken a long time to get this far, and I thought it worth sharing even in it’s flawed state. This is the first Volume and examines every use of muwl in Scripture. I am working on editing it and completing Volume 2 which will examine every use of ‘aral.

Rejecting Enoch

The book of Enoch is claimed by many to have exclusive, important and necessary knowledge. They claim that it’s being left out of the “biblical cannon” is a conspiracy to lead people away from these essential truths. It is said that Enoch alone was given an accurate calendar on which we can base the festivals and Sabbaths. So many doctrines have been created based on this book and its content. So is Enoch divinely inspired? Does it contain essential knowledge? How can we know? Click Here To Read More

Lunar Based Sabbath: Scripture or Not?

The idea that the Sabbath is determined by the lunar cycle is a growing trend on the internet. The argument is made that the Sabbath has been changed and corrupted over time, and what is widely held as the Sabbath, Friday at sunset to Saturday at sunset, is errant and pagan. Click Here To Read More

Kirk’s Study on the Amalekites

My good friend Kirk’s study on the historical accuracy of the Towrah’s Exodus account, and the history of the Amalekites. Click Here To Read More

Rejecting Paul Primer

A brief article I wrote up some years ago as a way to get people to begin to question Paul. Click Here To Read More

Miqra’ey For Children

A series of Power Point Presentations created by a Covenant family member to help us teach our children about Yahowah’s Miqra’ey. Click Here To Read More

Kirk’s Study on Dowd and Ba’reshiyth 49:10

My Good friend Kirk’s study on the prophecy found in Ba’reshiyth 49:10 and how only one person in all of history can it be speaking of. Click Here To Read More