Volume 3

Yada Yah



01-About the Author
03-Composition And Methodology
04-Audience Appeal and Appraisal

Volume 1 – Bare’syth – In The Beginning

…Why Are We Here?


01-Bara’ – Creation, In The Beginning
02-Hayah – Existence, The Big Bang
03-Ruwach – Spirit, God’s Feminine Side
04-‘Owr – Light, And There Was Light
05-Raqya’ – Matter & Space, And Orderly Expansion
06-Ma’owr – Luminaries, The Greater & Lesser Lights
07-Chay – Life, Emergence of Consciousness
08-Shabat-The Seventh Day, The Plan is Unfurled

Volume 2 – ‘Adam

…The Story of Man


01-‘Eden – Joy, Living with God
02-Ba Tselem Huw’ – In His Image, Likeness of God
03-Ryb – Quarrelsome, The Contentiousness of Man
04-‘Ishah – Woman, So Much to Learn
05-Mashal – Revealing Stories, Fragile Families
06-Yada’ – Becoming Aware, Out of the Garden
07-Noach – Guide, Preparing for Departure
08-Mabuwl- Flood, Weathering the Storm
09-Zayth ‘Aleh, – Olive Branch, New Beginnings


Volume 3 – Beryth

…In the Covenant


01-Babel – Confusion, Corrupting by Commingling
02-Halak Min – Walk Away, The Long Journey Begins
03-‘Ad ‘Owlam – Eternal Witness, House of God
04-‘Aman – Trust, Explaining the Relationship
05-Nathan – Gift, The Gift which Keeps on Giving
06-Shamar – Observe, Carefully Consider
07-Yitschaq – Laughter, No Laughing Matter
08-Mowryah – Respect Yah, Meeting on the Mountain
09-Hineh ‘Any – Here I Am, Meeting with God