Volume 1 A Voice Calls Out

Coming Home In Our Time

Coming Home In Our Time is a book in progress dedicated to reaching out to Yahowah’s Chosen People, so that they may return to Him.


Volume 1 A Voice Calls Out

01-Desire the Towrah AUDIO
02-Son Of God AUDIO
03-Second Coming AUDIO
04-Make This Known AUDIO
05-A Voice Calls Out AUDIO
06-Appreciating Dowd AUDIO
07-Anointed Messiah AUDIO
08-Become A Witness AUDIO

09-Above And Beyond AUDIO
10-To Dowd Or Not To Dowd AUDIO
11-Saul Becomes Paul
13-Whore of Babylon
14-Properly Guided


Volume 2 My God, My God, Why?

01-Yahowah’s Name
02-Contradicting God
03-God Or Man
04-Sha’uwl vs. Dowd
05-You Are Yahowah
06-Does Anyone Understand
07-A Thoughtful Reply
08-I Will Return
10-Yahowah’s Towrah
11-A Child Is Born
12-Dr. Yah
13-Stand Out and be Noticed
14-My God, My God, Why?